Coders Campus Bootcamp

Created By: Trevor Page


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Lessons: 345
Video: 92.1 Hours
Coders Campus Bootcamp
  Supplemental material available for download.
  Videos are downloadable for offline viewing.

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Coders Campus Bootcamp

Getting Started
Welcome to the Bootcamp (05:16)
Things to watch out for... (03:35)
Your Ideal Computer Setup (28:43)
Downloading and Using GitHub Desktop (14:13)
Lesson 1 - What is HTML (06:16)
Lesson 2 - Basic Structure of an HTML Page (12:03)
Lesson 3 - Comments in HTML (05:26)
Lesson 4 - More HTML Tags (11:57)
Lesson 5 - Input Tags (09:55)
Lesson 6 - Div Tags (11:03)
Lesson 7 - Styles (07:21)
Lesson 8 - Inline Block and Inline-Block Styles (15:32)
Lesson 9 - CSS (16:18)
Lesson 10: External CSS Files (11:04)
Lesson 11 - CSS Important Modifier (06:13)
Lesson 12 - CSS Classes (12:09)
Lesson 13: ID Selector with CSS (11:10)
Lesson 14 - Filtering with Selectors (14:14)
Lesson 15 - Span tag (07:28)
Lesson 16: Aligning Elements (10:54)
Lesson 17: CSS Shorthand (09:09)
Lesson 18 - Doctype (05:56)
Lesson 19 - Form Tag (14:30)
Lesson 20 - Anchor Tag (02:42)
Lesson 21 - Radio Input Element (10:54)
Lesson 22 - Img Tag (14:46)
Lesson 23 - Assignment Example (01:13:43)
Assignment #1 (11:25)
Lesson 25 - Final Assignment Walk-through (01:19:02)
Installing Java Open JDK 11 (10:38)
Installing Eclipse (17:45)
Important Note on Git
01 - What is Git (15:17)
02 - Installing Git (04:14)
03 - Creating a Repository (10:23)
04 - Git Workflow (10:20)
05 - Cloning a Repository (04:51)
06 - Staging - Committing - Pushing (10:36)
07 - Creating a Branch (09:24)
08 - Pull Requests (14:36)
01- What is Git (08:38)
02 - Create GitHub Account (03:21)
03 - Install GitHub Desktop (04:17)
04 - Git Workflow (10:55)
05 - Creating and Publishing a Repo (13:49)
06 - Cloning a Remote Repository (08:31)
07 - Git Add Commit and Push (14:13)
08 - Git Branches (18:47)
01 - Introduction to Variables and Data Types (10:04)
02 - int Data Type (12:16)
03 - int vs Integer (05:25)
04 - long Data Type (18:09)
05 - floats and doubles (12:36)
06 - booleans (09:19)
07 - char and String (13:21)
08 - Setting up a Runnable Java Application (18:52)
09 - IF statement (13:48)
10 - ELSE IF statement (10:02)
11 - equals() vs == (13:42)
12 - Reading User Input (19:34)
[Exercise] Reading User Input
13 - AND and OR operators (14:59)
01 - Objects (14:55)
02 - Quick Git Talk (06:26)
03 - Object Dot Properties (10:49)
04 - Methods (16:44)
05 - Method Inputs (21:01)
STOP - Read This Before Continuing...
[Exercise] Creating a Method
06 - For Loops (23:35)
07 - While Loops (25:34)
[Exercise] Loop Until Valid Input is Received
08 - Increment Shortcuts (12:21)
09 - Random Number Generation (10:17)
10 - Constructors (11:27)
Assignment GitHub Prep (18:08)
Cloning the Java Bootcamp GitHub Repository (22:01)
Problem Solving Explanation Part 1 (26:12)
Problem Solving Explanation Part 2 (23:50)
Problem Solving Explanation Part 3 (17:47)
Assignment #2
Assignment #2 - Walkthrough (21:04)
01 - Static Keyword (23:24)
02 - Access Modifiers (11:39)
03 - Getters and Setters (14:28)
04 - POJOs (12:)
[Exercise] Create User POJO
05 - Services (16:50)
06 - Arrays Part I (17:50)
07 - Arrays Part II (12:26)
[Exercise] Create a UserService
08 - String Manipulation (22:37)
[Exercise] Parse a String
09 - Exceptions Overview (17:41)
10 - File IO Part I (24:09)
11 - File IO Part II (20:16)
Assignment #3
Assignment 3 Walkthrough (31:37)
01 - Inheritance (15:46)
02 - Constructors and Sub-classes (09:24)
03 - Overriding (16:13)
04 - Overloading (16:14)
[Exercise] Practicing Inheritance
05 - Casting (14:42)
06 - Protected and Package Access Modifiers (20:13)
07 - Object Wrapper Classes (24:12)
08 - Writing to Files (11:54)
01 - Interfaces (23:37)
02 - Intro to Abstract Classes (08:23)
03 - Extending an Abstract Class (11:11)
04 - Using an Abstract Class (24:42)
[Exercise] Abstract Classes vs Concrete Classes
05 - Sorting with Comparable (30:50)
06 - Sorting with Comparator (11:56)
[Exercise] Sorting practice
07 - RegEx Part I (17:27)
08 - RegEx Part II (24:04)
09 - Serializable and Try with Resources (33:32)
Assignment #4
Assignment 4 Walkthrough (36:18)
01 - Arrays vs Lists (14:47)
02 - ArrayList (19:)
[Exercise] ArrayList Practice
03 - LinkedList (17:38)
04 - Sets (20:16)
[Exercise] Set Practice
05 - Maps (21:52)
06 - Hashing Algorithm (19:42)
07 - HashCode and Equals (19:27)
[Exercise] Map Practice
08 - Lambdas (18:21)
09 - Intro to Streams (13:51)
10 - Stream Map (14:16)
11 - Stream Joining (14:34)
12 - Stream FlatMaps (23:59)
13 - Grouping Data with Streams (16:01)
[Exercise] Streams Practice
14 - Streams Recap (29:47)
Assignment #5 (21:09)
Assignment #5 Walkthrough (17:29)
01 - Optional Keyword (08:54)
02 - Setting Optional Values (14:33)
03 - Optional Map OrElse (21:09)
04 - Optional ifPresent (13:19)
[Exercise] ifPresent Practice
05 - Enums (24:34)
06 - Java Util and SQL Dates (08:17)
07 - Modifying Java Util Dates (15:16)
08 - Formatting and Parsing Dates (18:)
09 - Java 8 Dates (10:49)
10 - Java 8 Modifying Dates (15:50)
11 - Parsing Java 8 Dates (08:45)
[Exercise] Dates Practice
Assignment #6
Assignment #6 Walkthrough (43:20)
01 - What is Unit Testing (17:45)
02 - Test Driven Development (19:39)
03 - More Unit Test Examples (23:20)
04 - Java Generics (37:22)
05 - Java Reflection (36:50)
06 - Java Annotations (36:16)
Assignment #7
07 - Assignment 7 Walkthrough (51:31)
01 - What is Multi-threading (11:50)
02 - Running a Task (11:44)
03 - Understanding Asynchronous Programming (17:10)
04 - Leveraging Executors (18:09)
05 - CachedThreadPool (07:24)
06 - Futures in Java (16:18)
07 - CompletableFutures in Java (21:49)
08 - The Default ForkJoinPool with CompletableFutures (16:01)
09 - Using a Custom Executor with CompletableFutures (18:33)
10 - Thread Safety with Multi-Threading (26:46)
Assignment #8
Assignment #8 - Walkthrough (24:19)
01 - Small Introduction to Maven and Spring (20:54)
02 - Dependency Injection and IoC (25:54)
03 - GetMapping and PostMapping Annotations (15:47)
04 - Application Context and Singletons (26:30)
05 - Scope Prototype (10:37)
06 - Beans vs Components (20:34)
07 - Component Scanning (11:46)
08 - Application Properties File (17:15)
09 - Spring Profiles (18:23)
10 - Contructor Based Autowiring (10:)
11 - Qualifier Annotation (07:02)
12 - Importing a Maven Dependency (26:58)
Assignment #9
Assignment 9 Walkthrough (46:19)
01 - JSON (17:13)
02 - Converting JSON String to Java and Back (18:34)
03 - Sending Data to Java via Post Request (16:20)
04 - Omitting RequestParam Annotation (02:33)
05 - Request Header and Body (10:47)
06 - Path Variables (08:58)
07 - Mocking a Repository (15:06)
08 - Rest Calls with Spring (20:11)
09 - Mapping JSON Response to Java Objects (26:36)
Assignment #10
Assignment 10 Walkthrough (42:01)
01 - Creating a Plain Old Controller (16:03)
02 - Introduction to Thymeleaf and the Model (17:28)
03 - PostMapping with a Regular Controller (12:13)
04 - Using Thymeleaf Fields (16:40)
05 - Creating a PersonRepository (12:06)
06 - Fetching Person Objects and Displaying (10:49)
07 - Editing Existing Person Objects (11:41)
08 - Listing all People (15:25)
09 - Deleting Person Objects from HashMap (17:28)
10 - Adding Extra Navigation Links (09:06)
Assignment #11
11 - Assignment 11 Walkthrough (36:27)
Maven Part-1 (17:22)
Maven - Part 2 (34:09)
Maven - Part 3 (25:35)
Maven - Part 4 (15:28)
01 - Installing MySQL Server (14:21)
02 - Using MySQL Workbench to Create a Database (10:40)
03 - Creating a Database Table (17:41)
04 - Creating a Table with the Workbench UI (10:50)
05 - Altering an Existing Table (19:28)
06 - Inserting Data into Users Table (14:07)
07 - Reading Data with SQL (18:24)
08 - Relationships in MySQL (14:44)
09 - Enforcing a One-to-Many Relationship (20:46)
10 - Updating and Filtering Data (14:38)
01 - Many to Many relationships (22:34)
02 - Modifying a Tables Foreign Key (22:46)
03 - The One to One relationship (18:22)
04 - Joining Tables with a Select (18:04)
05 - Joining Multiple Tables in a Select (11:32)
06 - Filtering with Joins and using the IN keyword (09:08)
07 - Grouping Data (16:13)
08 - Using Aggregate Functions (09:02)
09 - Case Keyword in MySQL (13:17)
10 - Filtering Grouped Data with Having Keyword (09:19)
11 - Auto Increment for Primary Keys (13:47)
Assignment #12
01 - Introduction to Hibernate and Spring Data JPA (11:09)
02 - Preparing our Code for Hibernate (08:32)
03 - Mapping an Entity (16:36)
04 - Configuring Your Database in Properties File (24:05)
05 - Creating Entities (15:03)
06 - Mapping a One to Many Relationship (16:06)
07 - Mapping a Many to Many Relationship (10:02)
08 - Mapping a One to One Relationship (10:33)
01 - Intro to Spring Data Jpa (13:47)
02 - Reading All Users (18:23)
03 - Showing Users on the HTML Page (17:05)
04 - Creating Users from a Web Page (24:03)
05 - Updating Users (22:07)
06 - Deleting Users (12:)
07 - Query Methods with Spring Data (15:10)
08 - Testing the Query Methods (20:42)
09 - Custom Queries with JPQL (22:18)
10 - Eager vs Lazy Fetching (15:02)
11 - Fixing Performance Issues (27:22)
12 - Saving Data Across Relationships (19:46)
13 - Assignment 13 Outline (07:45)
13 - Cascade Types (27:17)
01 - JWTs Part I (14:34)
02 - JWTs Part II (08:46)
03 - What is Spring Security (12:45)
04 - Setting up the Spring Starter Project (10:41)
05 - Adding a RestController Endpoint to Secure (14:07)
06 - Configure Security Part 1 (14:17)
07 - Configure Security Part 2 (05:46)
08 - Creating a UserDetailsService (15:23)
09 - Adding a BCrypt PasswordEncoder (14:34)
10 - Adding a UserRepository (14:39)
11 - Creating a User and Logging In (21:53)
12 - Tidying up our code (10:58)
13 - Creating a JwtService Part 1 (14:22)
14 - Creating a JwtService Part 2 (13:24)
15 - Unit Testing the JwtService Part 1 (14:28)
16 - Unit Testing the JwtService Part 2 (17:45)
17 - Unit Testing the JwtService Part 3 (08:34)
18 - Extracting Claims from the Token (13:49)
19 - Adding Convenience Methods for Extracting Claims (14:30)
20 - Testing the Convenience Methods (12:34)
21 - Learning about Stateless Authentication (11:55)
22 - Creating a Custom Filter for the SecurityFilterChain (14:49)
23 - Creating a Custom Filter for the SecurityFilterChain Part 2 (15:37)
24 - Fixing Bugs and Refactoring (14:57)
25 - Finishing the JWT flow (12:06)
26 - Adding a Refresh Token Part 1 (13:43)
27 - Adding a Refresh Token Part 2 (13:45)
28 - Adding a Refresh Token Part 3 (11:49)
29 - Generating Access Token with Refresh Token Part 1 (13:41)
30 - Generating Access Token with Refresh Token Part 2 (13:33)
31 - Testing the Final Product (14:40)
32 - BONUS - Introducing Thymeleaf Templating Engine (12:50)
33 - BONUS - Tweaking the Successful Login Flow Part 1 (14:14)
34 - BONUS - Tweaking the Successful Login Flow Part 2 (14:30)
35 - BONUS - Tweaking the Successful Login Flow Part 3 (14:32)
36 - BONUS - Refactoring and Tidying Up (14:37)
(DEPRECATED) Spring Security 01 - What is Spring Security (04:05)
(DEPRECATED) Spring Security 02 - Getting Started (17:26)
(DEPRECATED) Spring Security 03 - Setting up Spring Security (10:39)
(DEPRECATED) Spring Security 04 - Adding Login Page (10:25)
(DEPRECATED) Spring Security 05 - Encoding your passwords (08:21)
(DEPRECATED) Spring Security 06 - Creating a User Details Service (11:32)
(DEPRECATED) Spring Security 07 - Implementing User Details (16:22)
(DEPRECATED) Spring Security 08 - Testing our User Details Service (12:33)
(DEPRECATED) Spring Security 09 - Lets Talk Databases (20:04)
(DEPRECATED) Spring Security 10 - What is Cross Site Request Forgery (12:14)
(DEPRECATED) Spring Security 11 - How to Log Out (07:01)
(DEPRECATED) Spring Security 12 - AuthenticationPricipal Annotation (05:45)
(DEPRECATED) Spring Security 13 - @Secured Annotation (14:13)
01 - Setting up a new project (14:42)
02 - JavaScript Hello World (11:01)
03 - Declaring Variables in JavaScript (13:04)
04 - Data Types in JavaScript (17:46)
05 - Selecting Objects from the DOM (17:08)
06 - Event Listeners (13:34)
07 - More Event Listeners and Arrow Function (10:38)
08 - Validating and Debugging (11:09)
09 - Objects and Arrays (14:54)
10 - Fetch API (22:41)
11 - Fetch API Customizations (09:42)
12 - Fetch API with Post (21:42)
01 - Creating another Registration Page (15:42)
02 - Adding a Unique Constraint on Username (16:53)
03 - Handling a Fetched Response (21:32)
04 - Finding Existing Users Logic (13:50)
05 - Callbacks (17:37)
06 - Promises and the let keyword (18:20)
07 - QuerySelectorAll and FontAwesome (21:50)
08 - Async and Await (24:11)
Assignment #14 (11:27)
Application Development Guidelines


Getting started with a new ReactJS App (01:08:03)
Using React Router (01:11:25)
Working with the useEffect Hook (57:16)
Refactoring code in React (01:12:18)
Working with Input fields (55:17)
Integrating React with a Back-end Java Server (01:03:40)
Implementing CRUD with React and Java (01:08:24)
Best practices with React Code (51:09)

Guide to Git

Installing Git (03:24)
What is Git (10:03)
Staging Comitting and Pushing (21:53)
Associate Eclipse Project with a Remote GitHub Repo (20:49)

Student Reviews

Ruth Siguiente says:

clear and easy to follow  

clear and easy to follow

Alvin Revilas says:

Guide to Git  

Good explanation of the phases of uploading files into the Git service with both the command line and the Windows app.

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